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Heinz vom Stein - Erlebniswelt

When you get closer to Stein an der Traun, it quickly becomes clear why this breathtaking ensemble of castle and palace complex attracts numerous visitors every year and is one of the most popular excursion destinations in Chiemgau. In all of Europe there is no such well-preserved cave castle as here in Stein an der Traun . All rooms - from the prison, torture chamber, kitchen to the bedrooms and the great knight's hall - are accessible and cleverly illuminated. This is precisely why the Steiner Höhlenburg is a rare jewel among German castles.

On the trail of the robber baron

The high castle from the 12th century, enthroned on the 500 meter long and over 50 meter high Nagelfluhwand - also called Steiner Felsen - is accessible at all times and offers the visitor a fantastic panorama of northern Chiemgau. Below, almost in the middle of the Steiner rock, the probably unique cave castle of the legendary robber baron "Heinz vom Stein".


You will be guided through a cave castle that is unique in Germany. Follow in the footsteps of the dreaded robber baron "Heinz vom Stein" and experience the Middle Ages up close in all of its fascinating and eerie facets.

Responsible for the content: Chiemgau Tourismus

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Contact details

Schlossbrauerei Stein
Schlosshof 2
83371 Stein an der Traun
+49 8621 983298