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Wasserflaschen St. Georgsquelle
© © Ruhpolding Tourismus/Andreas Plek

From the mountain into the bottle

date: 09.11.2022
from: Kathrin Thoma-Bregar

Rivers that energetically channel out their way. Bubbling mountain streams, crystal-clear lakes. Ruhpolding is blessed with water and has one very special treasure: the Georgsquelle spring. Natural mineral water, directly from the mountain.To fill up yourself or buy by the bottle.

Natural mineral water from the deep spring

On the road to the Maiergschwendt district, you might almost miss the inconspicuous sign. It points to a gravel path that ends in a lay-by after about 100 metres. A small hut nestles up to a sloping meadow supported by rocks. A small tap extends from a round, closed well trough. Anyone can use it. The St. Georgsquelle is a pure deep spring and is officially regarded as natural mineral water with a very low sodium and nitrate content. It is fed from the Hochfelln mountain. Its name was given by the patron saint of the nearby parish church, Saint George, the dragon slayer.

Filling water is allowed at any time

Many who bottle the water directly at the source bring whole canisters with them – it’s completely allowed. All they ask for is a small donation. However, the mineral water is also available ready bottled. The St. Georgsquelle bottling plant is only around 1 km away. Volker Schweidler is the master of the water here. The operations manager monitors every production step with eagle eyes. Bottling is done two to three days a week. “The Georgsquelle is an artesian spring. That means that the water does not have to be artificially pumped. Instead, it swells up from the mountain and into the bottle all on its own,” he explains. As a result, it keeps its natural structure, which makes it extremely bioavailable. What else distinguishes Ruhpolding’s mineral water? Its mineralisation is very balanced, which imparts a harmonious, soft taste. The spring’s oxygen level is high and, in addition to a very low nitrate content, it also does not contain any iron. It is offered in “still” and “medium”.

Today, it is the turn of a very special water in the bottling plant – JodNatur. It is mixed with natural Ruhpolding primordial brine in a ratio of 1:54 in the St. Georgsquelle.

On a conveyor belt, lightweight glass bottles travel through the workshop with a gentle clattering. The machines, on the other hand, make a lot of noise. Volker Schweidler wears ear protectors. The plant produces around 30,000 small 330 ml and 25,000 large 1 litre bottles per day. Four men stand up the empties, stack the full boxes, clean bottles and check the measured values. It is delivered throughout Germany, to health food and wholefood stores.

»Water is the most important foodstuff, nothing can replace it.«

Volker Schweidler

"If water is to be sold as "natural mineral water", it must be bottled at source. This is the regulation," says Volker Schweidler. He originally worked as a beer brewer and laughs, "I used to drink beer during working hours and water in the evenings, now it’s the opposite."

And it is not only vital for the human body, but also for the soul. Cool your feet in a cold mountain stream. Dive into a refreshing mountain lake. Watch the river flow. Everything is possible in Ruhpolding.


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about the author Kathrin Thoma-Bregar